DABOR Event – 16 September – Combining Risk Management & AI in practice

Join us at the upcoming DABOR event on Monday 16 September in Amsterdam ZuidAs!
Main Theme: Combining Risk Management & AI in practice
We have created an exciting interactive agenda, see details below. The event will be a hybrid of English and Dutch languages, to allow participants to have open and productive discussions.
We plan to cover:
• Risk Management and AI: Rethinking risk governance and management in the age of intelligent models.
• Using (Gen)AI: Sharing experiences when implementing (Gen)AI
The event will be a hybrid of English and Dutch languages, to allow participants to have open and productive discussions.
• Networking: drinks and snacks to connect.
Time & Location
– Monday 16 September 15:00 till 18:00 (Netherlands time). The program itself between 15:30-17:00, followed by drinks.
– Venue: In person at ABN AMRO Head Office, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, Amsterdam
15:00 : Gathering and registration at ABN AMRO Head Office, welcome coffee
15:30 : Opening and welcome
15:35 : Rethinking risk governance and management in the age of intelligent models. – by Rohit Kumar, Founder and Managing Director of RiskAI Technologies GmbH
16:10 : Sharing experiences when implementing (Gen)AI use cases – by Jovanka Lukic, Model Validation & Model Risk Management at ABN AMRO Bank
16:45 : Group discussions
17:00 : Closing
17:10 : Drinks & Networking
Price and further instructions
– You can sign up to the event via DABOR website latest by Thursday 12 September 17:00. Registrations after this moment maynot be possible due to technical limitations.
– Note that space is limited due to size of the room, so please register as early as possible. However, registration on the website does not guarantee a spot. We will inform you if the room is full.
– On Friday 13 September the registered participants will receive an e-mail confirmation about their spot.
– We encourage you to come by public transport, the venue is walking distance from Amsterdam Zuid station. If you wish you arrive by car, please use public parking possibilities.
– Joining DABOR events is free of charge for people who are connected with DABOR as an individual participant or join on behalf of a corporate participant, since both pay annual contributions.
– For all others, joining an event one-off is of course possible. The costs are EUR 150. If this cost is applicable to you we will contact you about the payment shortly, but encourage you to consider joining DABOR as a regular participant with annual contribution – you will get access to much more!