DABOR Event – 16 Oct – Risk Governance in a Dynamic World

Join us at the upcoming DABOR event on Monday 16 October in Amsterdam!
Main Theme: Can Risk Governance keep up with the Dynamic World?We will cover:
- How sound risk governance is key for executing your risk management framework effectively and efficiently. How to set up good governance structure that supports good risk management in an increasingly dynamic environment, tackling key topics such as Artificial Intelligence, ESG & Sustainability, and all other changing regulations.
- How sound internal risk governance arrangements are a foundation for an organization to operate well overall and reach its strategy and objectives.
- We will look into various examples of how risk governance is setup at different organisations, including different supervisory functions, enabling organizations to challenge management decision-making, the risk strategy and create a robust risk management framework.
- We will show examples from both large and smaller organisations.
- The event will be a hybrid of English and Dutch languages, to allow organisations to present in their operating language and have an open discussion.
Time & Location
• Monday 16 October 14:30 till 19:00 (Netherlands time). The program itself between 15:00-17:30.
• Location: We would like to welcome you at the ABN AMRO head-office at Amsterdam ZuidAs, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10.
14:30 : Gathering and registration at ABN AMRO’s reception, transfer to the venue
15:00 : Opening
15:10 : Governance in a Dynamic World – short stories and interactive discussions from the following organisations and speakers:
— ABN AMRO – Fabian Lips, Central Regulations & Policies Team; Risk Governance and the AI Act.
— Protiviti – Jaap Gerkes, Managing Director ESG; CSRD challenge: How should 1st, 2nd and 3rd line collaborate to build a meaningful ESG report?
— Payconiq – Sagar Bharambe, Head of Risk: FinTech Risk Governance: balancing innovation, compliance, and resource optimization in complex regulatory landscapes
— More speaker(s) may be joining us, getting all confirmed!
16:30 : Panel discussion / Break-out groups: How can risk governance help organisations deal with the changing world? Interactive session with the speakers and all attendees
17:30 : Drinks & Networking
Price and further instructions
• You can sign up to the event via DABOR website latest by Wednesday 11 October 17:00. Registrations after this moment will not be possible due to technical limitations.
• Note that the capacity is limited, only a few spots are still available! In case of reached capacity we’ll inform you. Registration on the DABOR website does not guarantee an available spot.
• The venue is just next to the Amsterdam Zuid station, very easily reachable by public transport. Be sure you are at the reception on time, from 14:30 onwards.
• Parking possibilities are in public garages in the Amsterdam ZuidAs area (not possible to arrange parking in the ABN AMRO building, unfortunately).
• Joining DABOR events is free of charge for people who are connected with DABOR as an individual participant or join on behalf of a corporate participant – since both pay annual contributions.
• For all others, joining an event one-off is of course possible. The costs are EUR 150. If this cost is applicable to you we will contact you about the payment shortly, but encourage you to consider joining DABOR as a regular participant with annual contribution – you will get access to much more!